NextEnergy Foundation Positive Impact in 2023

A Year of Positive Impact in the Lives of Many!

NextEnergy Foundation is operating since 2016 and has widened its activities to address the three main thematic areas: Education, Water & Heath and Improved Livelihood.

NextEnergy Foundation’s Projects in 2023 have benefited a total of 485,000+ members of local communities.

Benefited local community members per thematic area:



Focus on Environmental and Social Positive Impacts against each thematic area.

Education Thematic Area

Environmental Positive Impact:

  • Annual saving of average school energy expenses from renewable technology: 35%

Social Positive Impact:

  • Total benefited students: 16,900+ (46-51% girls and young women)

Water and Health Thematic Area

Environmental Positive Impact:

  • Emission reduction over 20 years, i.e. the average lifetime of the renewable technology:
    • CO2 = 410 tonnes
    • SO2 = 1.4 tonnes
    • NOx = 900 tonnes
  • Liters of potable water generated per year: 1.8m

Social Positive Impact:

  • Medical Units benefiting of renewable energy installations: 24

Improved Livelihoods Thematic Area

Environmental Positive Impact:

  • CO2 emission reduction over 20 years (average lifetime of renewable technology):  1,176 tonnes

Social Positive Impact:

  • Benefited households: 35
  • Benefited micro-enterprises: 15


Moreover, in year 2023, one of NextEnergy Foundation Projects made an impact in a fourth Thematic Area, Nature, as follows.

Nature Thematic Area

Environmental Positive Impact:

  • Hectares of forest protected/restored: 17,94
  • Conservation of Forest Carbon Stock CO2eq: 4,125 tonnes

Social Positive Impact:

  • Community institutions benefited:
    • 28 municipalities
    • 3 mountain communities.

Data note. The reported data are based on estimations made by the respective projects partners:

  • Education: Albero della Vita and Empower Malawi
  • Health & Water: Empower Malawi and Voltaview
  • Improved Livelihoods: Istituto Oikos and SolarAid
  • Nature: Etifor.